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The Castle – Mayan Pyramid at Chichen Itza Mexico

Author researching Mayan Ruins in Mexico

The predominant building in the complex of Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza, is a huge edifice called The Castle. This imposing stepped pyramid is dedicated to the Feathered Serpent, Kukulcan. Like the Egyptians, the Mayans designed it to reflect the dynamics of the solar system. The Castle is 78 feet high with a staircase of 91 steps on each side. The total number of stairs including the upper platform, on which the temple sits, allows the pyramid to harmonize with the 365 days of the solar year. Archeologist Luis Arachi discovered that Mayan astronomers used the Castle as a celestial calendar. On March 21st and September 21st an incredible phenomenon occurs. At the precise time of the equinox, the design of the pyramid causes a series of triangular shadows to be cast on the side of the main staircase. As the sun follows its course, these shadows simulate the body of an undulating snake that connects with the serpent head built into the base of the staircase. In March the serpent appears to be descending, and in September it appears to ascend the pyramid. People come from around the world to view this phenomenon, which lasts for approximately three hours and twenty minutes.


Pelota Ballcourt Mayan Ruins Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pelota Ballcourt, Chichen Itza, Mexico

This close-up view of the ballcourt reveals the macabre nature of the ancient Mayans as well as their advanced engineering skills. I took this picture while standing in front of a large corbelled ceremonial platform called the Tribune, 150 yards away on the opposite end of the ball field is the temple of the Bearded Man. The Mayans designed the acoustics of the arena so that anyone speaking in a normal voice from the temple at one end of the field can be heard distinctly at the opposite end. The field itself is 272 feet long and 199 feet wide. The two 27 foot high lateral walls dwarf the tourists in this picture who are examining the magnificent embossed artwork on the lower sections. Please note the ring near the top of the wall approximately 23 feet above the ground. It is thought that the object of the game was to get a ball through one of two such rings. The losers would have their heads cutoff by the winners and their severed heads were placed on the Platform of Human Skulls. Players who performed well had a likeness of their head enshrined on this platform. I was sickened by the thought of the fierce competition that must have been evoked by this depraved form of blood sport. It is equally upsetting to me to realize that academics, who become “outraged” at the slightest breach of political correctness on campus, find it necessary to be “non-judgmental” concerning the wholesale slaughter of humans by the gods of the ancient world.




Human Skull Rack, Aztec Ruins, Mexico

Human Skull Rack, Tenochtitlan Ruins, Mexico City

This type of human skull rack is common throughout the Mayan ruins and it is similar to the one that adorns the Platform of Skulls at Chichen Itza. What kind of beings would decorate their buildings with human skulls? Next to the Platform of Human Skulls is the Platform of Tigers and Eagles, which is embossed with depictions of tigers and eagles eating human hearts. It is obvious that these evil beings had no love for mankind.


The Pyramid Of The Magician – Uxmal Mexico

The Pyramid Of The Magician – Uxmal Mexico

This intimidating pyramid has one hundred and fifty steep steps leading to the temple at the top. Again the motif honors the most vile creatures disturbing anyone who visits these ruins. One depiction on the temple shows a serpent with a human head in its fangs.

The temple itself sits on top of this oval pyramid one hundred and twenty five feet above ground level. It is reported that as many as ten thousand humans would be sacrificed in a single ceremonies at these sites. The victims would have their hearts cutout to be consumed by deities while still beating and the remains would be thrown into a burning idol or eaten by the priests.

The Inti-Huatana Stone in Peru

The Inti-Huatana Stone

Clouds descend on peaks as author stands behind the Inti-Huatana stone at Machu Picchu, high in the Andes Mountains Of Peru. This mysterious stone the Incas called “the hitching place of the sun,” was obviously carved to a deliberate (but yet unknown) purpose. Here again we find that the Incas, like the Egyptians, Mayans and Druids, revealed their knowledge of the earth’s dynamics by carving the upright portion of this stone to the precise cardinal points of the compass.



Author at the Sacsahuaman Fortress Near Cusco

The Sacsahuaman Fortress

Near Cusco the capital city of the Inca Empire

This mysterious Inca fortress is a quarter of a mile long, built in three tiers. It is estimated that some of the massive stones used in its construction weigh over 200 tons. Please notice how they go together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. It remains a mystery how this incredible feat was accomplished. Some have suggested that the Incas had the ability to melt stone and mold it to any shape.

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